biolab 251qp This screen allows you to access the BIOLOGY 251 QUIZ PAK. Press the button below to begin the program.......... "c:\tbook\timber\251.bat" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\timber\251.bat Begin buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU PLEASE REMEMBER TO EXIT THE PROGRAM AND GO BACK TO MAIN MENU. RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) terpage RunClock enterpage enterpage }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount getTickCount getTickCount startTick 252qp This screen allows you to access the BIOLOGY 252 QUIZ PAK. Press the button below to begin the program.......... "c:\tbook\timber\252.bat" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\timber\252.bat Begin buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU PLEASE REMEMBER TO EXIT THE PROGRAM AND GO BACK TO MAIN MENU. RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) terpage RunClock enterpage enterpage }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount getTickCount getTickCount startTick 253qp This screen allows you to access the BIOLOGY 253 QUIZ PAK. Press the button below to begin the program.......... "c:\tbook\timber\253.bat" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\timber\253.bat Begin buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU PLEASE REMEMBER TO EXIT THE PROGRAM AND GO BACK TO MAIN MENU. RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) terpage RunClock enterpage enterpage }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount getTickCount getTickCount startTick 101qp 252qp ctests CSTUDY CHEMISTRY PRACTICE TESTS Click on a practice test that you wish to take. at...... 14444 10 10 "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt1.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt1.tbk Measurements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt2.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt2.tbk Energy and Matter "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt3.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt3.tbk Atoms and Elements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt4.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt4.tbk Compounds/Bonds "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt5.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt5.tbk Quantities/Reactions "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt6.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt6.tbk Nuclear Radiation "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt7.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt7.tbk Gases "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt8.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt8.tbk Solutions "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt9.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt9.tbk Acids,Bases, and Salts "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt10.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt10.tbk Saturated Hydrocarbons "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt11.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt11.tbk Unsaturated/Aromatics "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt12.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt12.tbk Oxygen/Sulfur Compds "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt13.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt13.tbk Acids/Esters/Nitrogen "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt14.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt14.tbk Carbohydrates "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt15.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt15.tbk Lipids "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt16.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt16.tbk Proteins "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt17.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt17.tbk Vitamins/Enzymes "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt18.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt18.tbk Nucleic Acids buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\pt19.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\pt19.tbk Metabolism/Energy ctests bio151 This screen allows you to access the BIOLOGY 151/152/153 QUIZ PAK. Press the button below to begin the program.. "c:\tbook\timber\151.bat" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\timber\151.bat Begin buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU PLEASE REMEMBER TO EXIT THE PROGRAM AND GO BACK TO MAIN MENU. RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) terpage RunClock enterpage enterpage }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount getTickCount getTickCount startTick bio151 CQUIZ chemlab RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) terpage RunClock enterpage enterpage }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount getTickCount getTickCount startTick This screen allows you to access the review material for the chemistry lab exam.tton below to begin the program.. "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ chemlab\labrev.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\chemlab\labrev.tbk Review Session buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU PLEASE REMEMBER TO EXIT THE PROGRAM AND GO BACK TO MAIN MENU. "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ chemlab\labexam.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\chemlab\labexam.tbk Practice Test RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) terpage RunClock enterpage enterpage }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount getTickCount getTickCount startTick This screen allows you to access a Computerized Study Guide to accompany the Hole A&P textbook. To run this program, you must obtain the Program Disk from the Science Department Office, HS 236. When you have the disk, insert it into the small disk drive on the computer. Click on Begin button below to start program. If you need help, ask someone in HS 236. "c:\tbook\timber\hole.bat" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\timber\hole.bat Begin buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU PLEASE REMEMBER TO EXIT THE PROGRAM AND GO BACK TO MAIN MENU. bodyworks This screen allows you to access the BODYWORKS software. Press the button below to begin the program.gram. "c:\bworks\ .exe" buttonup buttonup c:\bworks\bworks.exe Begin buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU PLEASE REMEMBER TO EXIT THE PROGRAM AND GO BACK TO MAIN MENU. RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) terpage RunClock enterpage enterpage }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount getTickCount getTickCount startTick This screen allows you to access the NUTRITION QUIZ PAK. Press the button below to begin the program.ogram.{ TO HANDLE BUTTONUP RUN "C:\tbook\timber\152n.bat" BUTTONUP BUTTONUP C:\tbook\timber\152n.bat Begin buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU PLEASE REMEMBER TO EXIT THE PROGRAM AND GO BACK TO MAIN MENU. RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) terpage RunClock enterpage enterpage }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount getTickCount getTickCount startTick bio107 enterpagex RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() idlex getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) LEAVEPAGE SHOWGROUP fgroup 4svShown fGroup nClock enterpagex idlex LEAVEPAGE RunClock SHOWGROUP enterpagex }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount idlex getTickCount getTickCount startTick LEAVEPAGE SHOWGROUP SHOWGROUP fGroup fGroup fGroup fGroup svShown fgroup &f5T? SHOWGROUP "ten" buttonup buttonup SHOWGROUP Saturated Hydrocarbons showgroup "eleven" buttonup buttonup showgroup eleven Unsaturated/Aromatics showgroup "twelve" buttonup buttonup showgroup twelve Oxygen/Sulfur Compds 14444 10 10 SHOWGROUP "thirteen" buttonup buttonup SHOWGROUP thirteen Acids/Esters/Nitrogen showgroup "fourteen" buttonup buttonup showgroup fourteen Carbohydrates showgroup "fifteen" buttonup buttonup showgroup fifteen Lipids showgroup "sixteen" buttonup buttonup showgroup sixteen Proteins buttonup buttonup showgroup "seventeen" buttonup buttonup showgroup seventeen Vitamins/Enzymes showgroup "eighteen" buttonup buttonup showgroup eighteen Nucleic Acids CHAPTER TOPIC Click on a chapter , then choose the tutorial you want. seventeen "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\enzyme.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\enzyme.tbk Enzymesseodic Table "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\digest.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\digest.tbk Digestioneightsements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\hormone.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\hormone.tbk Hormonesss Problems "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\vitamin.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\vitamin.tbk Vitaminsg Equationsts Press this arrow to go back to chapters 1-9.essons. CHEMISTRY TUTORIALSDESS buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU eighteen "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\cell.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\cell.tbk Cell Processessable "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\genetic.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\genetic.tbk Genetic Codehtsements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\mutate.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\mutate.tbk Mutationss Problems "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\control.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\control.tbk Cellular Controlonsts "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\nucleic.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\nucleic.tbk Nucleic AcidssTable "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\struc.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\struc.tbk Structural Formulas "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\iupac.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\iupac.tbk IUPAC Names of Alkanes "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\isomers.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\isomers.tbk Structural Isomers "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\cyclo.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\cyclo.tbk Cycloalkanesssshtsements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\alreact.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\alreact.tbk Reactions of Alkanessss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\halo.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\halo.tbk Haloalkanessssquationsts "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro10.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro10.tbk Introduction "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\organic.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\organic.tbk Properties of Organics "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\branched.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\branched.tbk Branched-chain Alkanes eleven "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro11.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro11.tbk Introductionnnnasure "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\geo.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\geo.tbk Geometric Isomerssssness "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\alkene.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\alkene.tbk Alkenessss Solving "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\alkyne.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\alkyne.tbk Alkynessssc Hydrocarbonss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\enereact.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\enereact.tbk Reactions of Alkenessss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\benzene.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\benzene.tbk Aromatic Compoundssss ~ &C7 twelve "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro12.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro12.tbk Introduction "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\phenol.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\phenol.tbk Phenols "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\alprop.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\alprop.tbk Properties of Alcohols "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\alcohol.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\alcohol.tbk Alcohols "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\ether.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\ether.tbk Ethers ns of Alcohols "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\dehydrat.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\dehydrat.tbk Dehydration of Alcohols "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\keto.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\keto.tbk Ketonesssss Calculations "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\alde.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\alde.tbk Aldehydes "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\thiol.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\thiol.tbk Thiols and Sulfides "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\oxidize.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\oxidize.tbk Preparation of Alcohols "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\primary.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\primary.tbk Classification of Alcohols thirteen "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\caracid.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\caracid.tbk Carboxylic Acidsssssds "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\ester.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\ester.tbk Estersssss and Amides "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\acidprop.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\acidprop.tbk Properties of Acidssssss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro13.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro13.tbk Introductionnnnncidsle "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\amine.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\amine.tbk Aminesssssons of Acids "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\amide.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\amide.tbk Amidesssss and Amides "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\aminere.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\aminere.tbk Reactions of Aminessssss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\esterre.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\esterre.tbk Reactions of Estersssss fourteen "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\chiral.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\chiral.tbk Chiral Sugarssssohydratess "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\propmono.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\propmono.tbk Properties of Monosac.... "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\mono.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\mono.tbk Monosaccharidessssements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\polysac.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\polysac.tbk Polysaccharides s "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\disac.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\disac.tbk Disaccharides oundsts "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro14.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro14.tbk Introductionnnnbohydratess "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\stereo.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\stereo.tbk Stereoisomerssssesns "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\classcar.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\classcar.tbk Classification of CHOOOs "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\carbtest.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\carbtest.tbk Tests for Carbohydrates fifteen "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\fats.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\fats.tbk Waxes, Fats, and Oilssss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\steroid.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\steroid.tbk Steroids and Terpenesssss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\phospho.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\phospho.tbk Phospholipidssssster "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\proptri.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\proptri.tbk Prop. of Triglyceridessssssssss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro15.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro15.tbk Introductionnnn Scales "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\fatty.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\fatty.tbk Fatty Acidssssess sixteen "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\amino.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\amino.tbk Amino Acidsssssc Table "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\peptide.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\peptide.tbk PeptidessssWeightsements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\function.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\function.tbk Functions of Proteinssss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\protein.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\protein.tbk Protein Structureeeensts "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro16.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro16.tbk Introductionnnnc Table ctutor enterpagex RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() idlex getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) LEAVEPAGE SHOWGROUP fgroup 4svShown fGroup nClock enterpagex idlex LEAVEPAGE RunClock SHOWGROUP enterpagex }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount idlex getTickCount getTickCount startTick LEAVEPAGE SHOWGROUP SHOWGROUP fGroup fGroup fGroup fGroup svShown fgroup EFT|gzt| SHOWGROUP "one" buttonup buttonup SHOWGROUP Measurements showgroup "two" buttonup buttonup showgroup Energy and Matter showgroup "three" buttonup buttonup showgroup three Atoms and Elements SHOWGROUP "four" buttonup buttonup SHOWGROUP Compounds/Bonds showgroup "5" buttonup buttonup showgroup Quantities/Reactions showgroup "six" buttonup buttonup showgroup Nuclear Radiation showgroup "seven" buttonup buttonup showgroup seven Gases buttonup buttonup showgroup "EIGHT" buttonup buttonup showgroup EIGHT Solutions showgroup "NINE" buttonup buttonup showgroup Acids,Bases, and Salts CHAPTER TOPIC "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ charges.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\charges.tbk The Moleodic Table "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ ionic.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\ionic.tbk Formula Weightsements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ naming.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\naming.tbk Molar Mass Problems "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ covalent.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\covalent.tbk Balancing Equationsts Click on a Topic on the Right!" buttonup buttonup Click on a Topic on the Right! TutorialsM "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ chapter4.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\chapter4.tbk Class NotesM "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ study4.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\study4.tbk Study GuideM "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ charges.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\charges.tbk The Moleodic Table "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ ionic.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\ionic.tbk Formula Weightsements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ naming.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\naming.tbk Molar Mass Problems "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ covalent.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\covalent.tbk Balancing Equationsts Press this arrow to see chapters 10-18. the lessons. \*4*Y* CHEMISTRY TUTORIALSDESS Click on a chapter , then choose the tutorial you want. buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\num.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\num.tbk Numerical Relationships "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\sign.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\sign.tbk Significant Figures "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\metric.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\metric.tbk Metric Prefixesmm "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\units.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\units.tbk Units of Measureeeee "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro1.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro1.tbk Introduction "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\convert.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\convert.tbk Conversion Factors "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\problem.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\problem.tbk Problem Solving "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\density.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\density.tbk Density/Specific Gravity "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro2.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro2.tbk Introduction "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\calorie.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\calorie.tbk Measuring Energy "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\energy.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\energy.tbk Energy "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\temp.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\temp.tbk Temperature Measuresieeee "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\ f.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\cos.tbk Energy Calculations "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\ Q.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\changes.tbk Changes of State "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\foodcal.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\foodcal.tbk Caloric Content of Food "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\states.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\states.tbk States of Matter three "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\table.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\table.tbk The Periodic Table "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\plaw.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\plaw.tbk Periodic Law "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\arrange.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\arrange.tbk Electron Arrangementsss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\isotopes.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\isotopes.tbk More on Isotopes "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\atom.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\atom.tbk The Atom :0$ "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\subshell.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\subshell.tbk Subshells and Orbitals "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\anmn.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\anmn.tbk Atomic/Mass Numbersrrrrrr "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\elsym.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\elsym.tbk Elements and Symbols "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro3.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro3.tbk Introduction "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\valence.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\valence.tbk Valence Electrons "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\ion.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\ion.tbk "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\octet.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\octet.tbk The Octet Rule "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\ionic.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\ionic.tbk Ionic Compounds "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\ionsrev.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\ionsrev.tbk Review of Ions "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\naming.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\naming.tbk Naming Ionic Compounds "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\trans.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\trans.tbk Transition Elements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\polar.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\polar.tbk Bond Polarity "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\covalent.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\covalent.tbk Covalent Bonds "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\conames.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\conames.tbk Naming Covalent Comds "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\poly.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\poly.tbk Polyatomic Ions "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro4.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro4.tbk Introduction "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\forwt.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\forwt.tbk Formula Weight ar Mass "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\calmole.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\calmole.tbk Calculations/Molar Mass "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\molrel.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\molrel.tbk Mole Relationships "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\chemchg.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\chemchg.tbk Chemical Change "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\ratio.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\ratio.tbk Calculations with Equations "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro5.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro5.tbk Introduction olar Mass "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\mole.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\mole.tbk The Mole "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\equate.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\equate.tbk Chemical Equations "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\halflife.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\halflife.tbk Half-livessssspesure "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\process.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\process.tbk Fission/Fusionnnnnion "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\produce.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\produce.tbk Producing Radioisotopesssss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\nukeq.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\nukeq.tbk Nuclear Equationsssss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\medapp.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\medapp.tbk Medical Applicationsssss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\detect.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\detect.tbk Detecting/Measuringgggg "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro6.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro6.tbk Introductionnnnnsure "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\radio.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\radio.tbk Radioactivityyyyy seven "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\gay.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\gay.tbk Gay-Lussac's Lawwwwsess "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\combine.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\combine.tbk Combined Gas Lawwwwments "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\ava.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\ava.tbk Avagadro's LawwwwVolumes "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\press.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\press.tbk Gas Pressureeeef Gasess "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\boyle.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\boyle.tbk Boyle's Lawwwwshtsements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\charle.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\charle.tbk Charles' Lawwwwr Volumes "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\dalton.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\dalton.tbk Dalton's Lawwwwr Volumes "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro7.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro7.tbk Introductionnnnn Gasess "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\property.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\property.tbk Properties of Gasessssts "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\ideal.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\ideal.tbk Ideal Gas Lawwww Volumes eight "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\water.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\water.tbk Water as a Solventtttessons "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\solution.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\solution.tbk Formation of Solutionssssn "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\molarity.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\molarity.tbk Molarityyyyss Problems "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\percent.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\percent.tbk Percent Concentrationnnn "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\dilution.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\dilution.tbk Dilution Factorsuration "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\osmosis.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\osmosis.tbk Osmosis and Dialysissss "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\mixture.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\mixture.tbk Types of MixturessssSuspens "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro8.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro8.tbk Introductionnnn Solutessons "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\solsol.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\solsol.tbk Solutes and Solventssssion "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\neutral.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\neutral.tbk Acid-Base Neutralizationnnn "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\titrate.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\titrate.tbk Acid-Base Titrationnnnns "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\equiv.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\equiv.tbk Equivalents/Normalityyyyy "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\buffer.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\buffer.tbk Buffersssslizationionsts "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\ph.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\ph.tbk pH of Solutionsssssble "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\elec.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\elec.tbk Electrolytessssssesble "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\prec.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\prec.tbk Ionic Reactionsssss Ions "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\ionize.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\ionize.tbk Ionization of Waterrrrr "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\acidbase.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\acidbase.tbk Acids and Basesssssonsts "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\intro9.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\intro9.tbk Introductionnnnn Table chemlab bio107 This screen allows you to access the BIOLOGY 107/108 QUIZ PAK. Press the button below to begin the program.ogram. "c:\tbook\timber\107.bat" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\timber\107.bat Begin buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU PLEASE REMEMBER TO EXIT THE PROGRAM AND GO BACK TO MAIN MENU. RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) terpage RunClock enterpage enterpage }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount getTickCount getTickCount startTick 101qp This screen allows you to access the BIOLOGY 101 BASIC A&P QUIZ PAK. Press the button below to begin the program. "c:\tbook\timber\101.bat" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\timber\101.bat Begin buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU PLEASE REMEMBER TO EXIT THE PROGRAM AND GO BACK TO MAIN MENU. RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) terpage RunClock enterpage enterpage }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount getTickCount getTickCount startTick System Times New Roman Keeping Score Student Responses Copyright 1992 Tom L. Hall Science Department, Pitt Community College Greenville, North Carolina Permission distribute these materials granted on condition that they xbe sold "Parts courtesy , PCC" be displayed { title hardcopy software includes portion showHotWords -4,-23,682,500 c"File" c"Edit" c"Page" c"Text" c"Help" )=up -4,-23,682,500 reader enterbook rightbuttonup enterbook ;IshowHotWords reader reader rightbuttonup Times New Roman Times New Roman System Times New Roman System Times New Roman System mes New Roman c"Page" c"Text" c"Help" )=up -4,-23,682,500 reader enterbook rightbuttonup enterbook ;IshowHotWords reader reader rightbuttonup mes New Roman mes New Roman -- Sample Book Keeping Track Student Use ToolBook Copyright 1993 Tom L. Hall Permission distribute part these materials granted on condition that they xbe sold "Parts courtesy " be displayed v title hardcopy software includes portion showHotWords -4,-23,682,500 "mytotal" "myname" "ascii" "task" "taskend" "taskbegin" 5+ 1 c"File" c"Edit" c"Page" c"Text" c"Help" )=up -4,-23,682,500 leavebook enterbook reader enterbook ;IshowHotWords seconds reader mytotal myname ascii leavebook leavebook taskend taskbegin taskbegin reader rightbuttonup ascii badboy 4totaltime TaskEnd counter "ascii" TaskBegin "mytotal" 4startTime, stopTime, /60) "myname" & "," r" & "," & "," "task" CRLF "c:\tbook\timber\pccmenu.csv" \"c:\ leavepage enterpage counter ascii enterpage TJcounter ascii ascii TaskEnd totaltime leavepage mytotal TaskBegin counter mytotal TaskEnd TaskBegin startTime stopTime totaltime ascii myname ascii ascii mytotal ascii ascii ascii c:\tbook\timber\pccmenu.csv ascii c:\tbook\timber\pccmenu.csv c:\tbook\timber\pccmenu.csv t *"B# TaskEnd 76377 TaskBegin 76377 6/10/94 store "myname" ("Please enter your LAST NAME" You must & "," ("Now gFIRST "All material on computer protected HFederal Copyright Laws. Material may xbe copied form. agree these terms ?" f"Yes" badboy "done" "task" "mytotal" CRLF "c:\tbook\timber\ .txt" \"c:\ buttonUp badboy buttonUp myname Please enter your LAST NAME You must enter your LAST name myname Now enter your FIRST NAME myname All material on this computer is protected by Federal Copyright Laws. Material may not be copied in any form. Do you agree to these terms ? badboy mytotal badboy myname badboy badboy c:\tbook\timber\badboy.txt badboy c:\tbook\timber\badboy.txt c:\tbook\timber\badboy.txt badboy Enter User Information STUDENT INFORMATION FOR BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRYYY Total Time in minutes for this task::: Push a button here to choose a topic.pic.............. "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "101qp" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button 101qp Quiz Pak BIO 101 "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "251qp" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button 251qp Quiz Pak BIO 251 "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "ctutor" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button ctutor Chem Tutorials "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "252qp" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button 252qp Quiz Pak BIO 252 "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "253qp" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button 253qp Quiz Pak BIO 253 "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "bodyworks" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button bodyworks BodyWorks "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "bio107" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button bio107 Quiz Pak BIO 107/108 TO HANDLE BUTTONUP REQUEST "This area currently under construction." BUTTONUP BUTTONUP This area is currently under construction. Microbiology "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "ctests" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button ctests Chem Practice Tests mytotal myname Press this Button First --> "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "nut" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button Quiz Pak - Nutrition "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "bio151" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button bio151 Quiz Pak BIO 151/152/153 store "myname" "task" "mytotal" buttonUp buttonUp myname mytotal Clear User "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "hole" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button Hole A&P Study Guide "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "chemlab" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button chemlab Chem Lab Review "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "biolab" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button biolab Biology Lab Reviews rightbuttonup rightbuttonup "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "cquiz" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button cquiz Chem Quizzes "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "cnote" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button cnote Chem Notes Wrong Answer !!! We now know your name !! CNOTE CHEMISTRY LECTURE NOTES CHEMISTRY LECTURE NOTES "c:\toolbook\chem\chapter2.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\toolbook\chem\chapter2.tbk Energy and Matter "c:\toolbook\chem\chapter3.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\toolbook\chem\chapter3.tbk Atoms and Elements "c:\toolbook\chem\chapter4.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\toolbook\chem\chapter4.tbk Compounds/Bonds "c:\toolbook\chem\chapter5.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\toolbook\chem\chapter5.tbk Quantities/Reactions "c:\toolbook\chem\chapter6.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\toolbook\chem\chapter6.tbk Nuclear Radiation "c:\toolbook\chem\chapter7.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\toolbook\chem\chapter7.tbk Gases "c:\toolbook\chem\chapter8.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\toolbook\chem\chapter8.tbk Solutions "c:\toolbook\chem\chapter9.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\toolbook\chem\chapter9.tbk Acids,Bases, and Salts Click on a chapter that you choose to look at.......... "This Area Currently Under Construction." buttonup buttonup This Area is Currently Under Construction. Saturated Hydrocarbons "This Area Currently Under Construction." buttonup buttonup This Area is Currently Under Construction. Unsaturated/Aromatics "This Area Currently Under Construction." buttonup buttonup This Area is Currently Under Construction. Oxygen/Sulfur Compds 14444 10 10 "This Area Currently Under Construction." buttonup buttonup This Area is Currently Under Construction. Acids/Esters/Nitrogen "This Area Currently Under Construction." buttonup buttonup This Area is Currently Under Construction. Carbohydrates "This Area Currently Under Construction." buttonup buttonup This Area is Currently Under Construction. Lipids "This Area Currently Under Construction." buttonup buttonup This Area is Currently Under Construction. Proteins "This Area Currently Under Construction." buttonup buttonup This Area is Currently Under Construction. Vitamins/Enzymes Nucleic Acids "c:\toolbook\chem\chapter1.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\toolbook\chem\chapter1.tbk Measurements buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU 251qp CQUIZ CHEMISTRY QUIZZESUIDESS CSTUDY CHEMISTRY QUIZZESUIDESS Click on a quiz that you wish to take.e to look at...... 14444 10 10 "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz5.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz5.tbk Quantities/Reactions "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz6.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz6.tbk Nuclear Radiation "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz7.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz7.tbk Gases "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz8.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz8.tbk Solutions "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz9.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz9.tbk Acids,Bases, and Salts "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz10.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz10.tbk Saturated Hydrocarbons "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz11.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz11.tbk Unsaturated/Aromatics "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz12.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz12.tbk Oxygen/Sulfur Compds "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz13.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz13.tbk Acids/Esters/Nitrogen "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz14.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz14.tbk Carbohydrates "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz15.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz15.tbk Lipids "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz16.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz16.tbk Proteins "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz17.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz17.tbk Vitamins/Enzymes "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz18.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz18.tbk Nucleic Acids "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz1.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz1.tbk Measurements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz2.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz2.tbk Energy and Matter "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz3.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz3.tbk Atoms and Elements "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ timber\quiz4.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\timber\quiz4.tbk Compounds/Bonds buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU bodyworks biolab RunClock 4startTick X"user" GetTickCount() getTickCount() secs Q((vT- )/1000) terpage RunClock enterpage enterpage }nRunClock startTick RunClock GetTickCount getTickCount getTickCount startTick This screen allows you to access Biology Lab Materials created by Biology Faculty.A&P textbook. To run this program, you must obtain the Program Disk from the Science Department Office, HS 236. When you have the disk, insert it into the small disk drive on the computer. Click on Begin button below to start program. If you need help, ask someone in HS 236. "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ biolab\rat.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\biolab\rat.tbk Rat Dissection buttonup buttonup GO BACK TO MAIN MENU PLEASE REMEMBER TO EXIT THE PROGRAM AND GO BACK TO MAIN MENU. "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ biolab\heart.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\biolab\heart.tbk Heart Dissection "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ biolab\bloodtp.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\biolab\bloodtp.tbk Blood Typing "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ biolab\hgb.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\biolab\hgb.tbk Hemoglobin "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ biolab\hct.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\biolab\hct.tbk Hematocrit "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ biolab\bldcomp.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\biolab\bldcomp.tbk Blood Composition "c:\tbook\ .exe c:\ biolab\scope.tbk" buttonup buttonup c:\tbook\tbook.exe c:\tbook\biolab\scope.tbk Microscope CTUTOR 253qp CNOTE genbiology 4totaltime TaskEnd counter "ascii" TaskBegin "mytotal" 4startTime, stopTime, /60) "myname" & "," r" & "," & "," "task" CRLF "c:\tbook\timber\pccmenu.csv" \"c:\ leavepage enterpage counter ascii enterpage TJcounter ascii ascii TaskEnd totaltime leavepage mytotal TaskBegin counter mytotal TaskEnd TaskBegin startTime stopTime totaltime ascii myname ascii ascii mytotal ascii ascii ascii c:\tbook\timber\pccmenu.csv ascii c:\tbook\timber\pccmenu.csv c:\tbook\timber\pccmenu.csv t *"B# TaskEnd 76465 TaskBegin 76461 6/10/94 store "myname" ("Please enter your LAST NAME" You must & "," ("Now gFIRST "All material on computer protected HFederal Copyright Laws. Material may xbe copied form. agree these terms ?" f"Yes" badboy "done" "task" "mytotal" CRLF "c:\tbook\timber\ .txt" \"c:\ buttonUp badboy buttonUp myname Please enter your LAST NAME You must enter your LAST name myname Now enter your FIRST NAME myname All material on this computer is protected by Federal Copyright Laws. Material may not be copied in any form. Do you agree to these terms ? badboy mytotal badboy myname badboy badboy c:\tbook\timber\badboy.txt badboy c:\tbook\timber\badboy.txt c:\tbook\timber\badboy.txt badboy Enter User Information STUDENT INFORMATION FOR BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRYYY Total Time in minutes for this task::: Push a button here to choose a topic.pic.............. "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "101qp" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button 101qp Quiz Pak BIO 101 "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "251qp" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button 251qp Quiz Pak BIO 251 "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "ctutor" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button ctutor Chem Tutorials "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "252qp" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button 252qp Quiz Pak BIO 252 "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "253qp" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button 253qp Quiz Pak BIO 253 "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "bodyworks" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button bodyworks BodyWorks "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "bio107" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button bio107 Quiz Pak BIO 107/108 TO HANDLE BUTTONUP REQUEST "This area currently under construction." BUTTONUP BUTTONUP This area is currently under construction. Microbiology "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "ctests" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button ctests Chem Practice Tests mytotal myname Press this Button First --> "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "nut" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button Quiz Pak - Nutrition "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "bio151" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button bio151 Quiz Pak BIO 151/152/153 store "myname" "task" "mytotal" buttonUp buttonUp myname mytotal Clear User "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "hole" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button Hole A&P Study Guide "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "chemlab" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button chemlab Chem Lab Review "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "biolab" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button biolab Biology Lab Reviews rightbuttonup rightbuttonup "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "cquiz" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button cquiz Chem Quizzes "myname" "Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK "task" "cnote" buttonup buttonup myname Please Press User Information Button After You Have Pressed the OK Button cnote Chem Notes Wrong Answer !!! We now know your name !! hall,tom Chem Lab Reviewiews hall,tom,6/10/94,0,Chem Tutorials